+ What is it?

Sculptra Aesthetic is an injectable poly-l-lactic acid (PLLA) that is used to create structure, framework, and volume to the face. It works by stimulating your own skin to produce new collagen. This product is used to improve hollowing and volume loss in the face. Results from Sculptra can last for 2+ years. The longevity is dependent on your severity of volume loss, how well you take care of your skin, and genetics. Dosing is tailored to your unique needs.

+ Before

Avoid alcohol and caffeine before and after your treatment. This will help minimize any bruising or swelling.

If approved by your health care provider, do not take any blood-thinning medications such as Ibuprofen, Advil, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, Excedrin, Aleve, etc.

Stay hydrated and avoid coming in on an empty stomach. This will also provide comfort during your appointment.

Starting an Arnica supplement at least 2 days prior to injections may help with bruising.

Any antibiotics taken need to be completely finished two weeks prior to injection appointments.

Any vaccines or dental procedures should be scheduled two weeks before/after any injectables.

+ While you're here

A consultation will reveal what is needed. After agreeing on the best treatment plan, you will sign a consent form and we will discuss risks and benefits. We will then apply numbing cream to the treatment areas. Mild swelling can occur during the treatment and there is always a risk of bruising with a needle poke. You will see immediate volume improvement because Sculptra particles are suspended in saline for injection. This water fullness and mild swelling will go down in about 48 hours. After this you will wish this volume would come back! But, hold tight, your body will respond to the Sculptra over the following 4-6 weeks leaving you with a fresh layer of collagen in the areas injected. Depending on the specific case and the areas being treated, multiple sessions may be needed to reach the ultimate goal. Ice can be applied for about 20 minutes post treatment then discontinued.

+ After

5-5-5 RULE- Massage the treated area for five minutes, five times a day, for the next five days.

Do not work out or perform activities involving straining or heavy lifting for 24 hours.

Injection sites may be red or sensitive - avoid putting make up on them for at least 4 hours.

Take Tylenol only as needed for any soreness.

Ice the area as needed to help with any potential brusing or swelling.

It is recommended that you wait 2 weeks before having any other facial treatments (ie. massages, microneedling, lasers, ultrasounds, microdermabrasion).