+ What is it?

Dermal fillers are made of Hyaluronic acid, a type of sugar molecule that is naturally occurring in our bodies. This product is a space occupying gel used to fine tune areas of lost volume or lost definition. These products are commonly used for lip definition and hydration, under eye hollowing, and cheek flattening. Filler can last between 6 months to 2 years+ depending on the type of filler used and where it is placed.

+ Before

Avoid alcohol & caffeine before and after your treatment. This will help minimize any bruising or swelling.

If approved by your healthcare provider, do not take any blood-thinning medications such as Ibuprofen, Advil, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, Excedrin, Aleve, etc.

Stay hydrated and avoid coming in on an empty stomach. This will also provide comfort during your appointment.

Starting an Arnica supplement at least 2 days prior to injections may help with bruising.

Antibiotics must be completed two weeks prior to injectables. Let the provider know if you have a history of cold sores. An antiviral medication may be prescribed.

Any vaccines or dental procedures should be scheduled two weeks before/after any injectables.

+ While you're here

A consultation will reveal what is needed. After agreeing on the best treatment plan, you will sign a consent form and we will discuss risks and benefits. We will then apply numbing cream to the treatment areas. Mild swelling can occur during the treatment and there is always a risk of bruising with a needle poke. You will see immediate results with this treatment. Depending on the specific case and the areas being treated, multiple sessions may be needed to reach the ultimate goal. Swelling can last between a couple of hours to 48 hours, depending. Ice can be applied for about 20 minutes post treatment then discontinued.

+ After

Redness or sensitivity might be present (and last up to a few hours). Try to avoid putting makeup on the injection sites.

Take Tylenol only as needed for any soreness.

Do not lay down, wear a hat, or manipulate the treatment area for 4 hours post treatment.

Do not work out or perform activities involving straining or heavy lifting for 24 hours.

It is recommended that you wait 2 weeks before having any other facial treatments (ie. massages, microneedling, lasers, ultrasounds, microdermabrasion).

Ice the area as needed to help with any potential bruising or swelling.