+ What is it?

Microneedling is a minimally-invasive procedure that uses a device with tiny, shallow needles that create invisible pricks on the top layer of the skin to produce new collagen and elastin -plumping skin and breaking up scar tissue. This targets fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, hyperpigmentation, sagging skin and scarring. A series of 3 treatments is highly recommended.

+ Before

If you have active acne in area of treatment please call to reschedule.

If you have a history of cold sores please call to get a prevetative RX.

Please arrive with fully cleansed skin: no makeup, moisturizers, perfume, cologne, or any other products on the skin.

Avoid Retin-A, retinoids, topical antibiotics, exfoliants, hydroquinone and benzyl peroxide 3 days prior to treatment.

Topical numbing crème will be applied pre-treatment. Notify us of any medication allergies.

Microneedling cannot be done while PREGNANT OR NURSING.

No sun exposure, tanning beds, self-tanning products for three days prior to the procedure.

Procedure will be canceled if you are sunburned.

None of the following can be used or performed two weeks prior to treatment: chemical peels, waxing, and chemical depilatories.

Do not shave the treated area the day of the procedure

Bring a hat and scarf day of procedure to wear after your treatment.

+ While you're here

+ After

Avoid massage or manipulation of the treatment area.

Do not work out or perform activities involving straining or heavy lifting for 48 hours.

Be sure to stay well hydrated.

Avoid wearing makeup on treated areas for 24 hours.

Take Tylenol only, as needed, for any soreness.

Avoid washing the treated area for at least 6 hours after the procedure.

Change you pillowcase and sleep with your hair pulled back Treat your skin like an open wound- no touching with dirty hands! For the first 24 hours, you may ONLY apply the post-treatment mask and the HG Lift (if you were given this). NO CLEANSING OR ANY OTHER PRODUCTS SHOULD BE APPLIED.

AM: Cleanse 5 drops Accelerated Serum (if you purchased this) Hydrating Creme SPF

PM: Double Cleanse 5 drops Accelerated Serum (if you purchased this) Hydrating Creme